Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guess what I did today?

New year (almost), new me, right? Well I guess that was my motto this morning.

I posted a while back about being natural and I have been so for about a year and a half. I used to be really into braid outs and twist outs and then I got lazy as soon as I realized I could wear it in a poof, throw on some headbands and call it a day, but with that I got lazier with hair care and really in the past couple of month haven't taken care of it at all (yikes!).

So I noticed when I straightened it for homecoming in October how damaged my ends were so I promised myself I'd grow it out for 2 months and cut off all the damage when I came home for winter break, which is pretty bold for me.

I have never really worn my hair out in an afro around town or campus and technically I still haven't, but I got it cut today and as I was about to slick it back into my staple poof, I stopped and said "Just F***ing (sorry) Do It Brittany"

I rubbed some oil through my hair, fluffed it out a bit and walked out my house.

It's so comforting, the confidence and freeness I feel, especially at home. On campus there are plenty of girls with natural hair, so it isn't uncommon for people to see others, but here it's different. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what others would think, but I did this for me, I'm growing my hair out for me and I'm gonna hold my own and stick with this.

2013 is a year of health for me. Healthy mind, body and soul. Healthy relationships, spiritual journeys and changes.

It's gonna be great. Here's to the new me (and the new you as well!)

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