Why is that? Why is it that we can't even keep promises to ourselves for a full year?
My mom always says "Speak things as though they are" she's always told my siblings and I to speak things into existence, if I want to end up in New York City one day with my own fashion magazine, then I should speak it now. Instead of saying "If I ever make it to New York" she tells us to say "When I make it to New York"
It really helps build confidence within yourself.
Something else my mother always does is write down her goals for the new year, and she calls them goals not resolutions because the word resolution has such a negative stigma now-a-days. So this year I decided to try it, I'm going to tack it onto my bulletin board in my dorm room and read them every day and as I accomplish each one I am going to check it off.
But it is so much more than just writing them down and looking at them every once in a while, you have to believe in them, believe in yourself. If you're religious, pray about them and even if you aren't meditate on them, think about what each one means to you and how you can get each goal done. Every move you make should be a positive one, putting yourself one step closer to your goal, and if it isn't, it should at least be a learning experience in which you can grow from.
So here's my list:
- Shoot for a 4.0 semester! You can do it!
- Get healthy/lose weight (and love myself through out the entire process)
- Find a kick ass place to live next year with amazing roommates
- Love myself <3
- Be happy (:
- Find a job in CoMo that I ADORE!
- Truly cherish every relationship I have
Happy New Year!
These are awesome goals! Getting a 4.0 and getting healthier! I hope you achieve all of these in the new year.