Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rediscovering Ramen Fashion

It's no secret that from time to time I have had trouble updating this blog, sometimes my fashion blog on tumblr and weight loss blog for the org I am in takes precedence, which really sucks because I love doing what I do on here.

After being accepted to Teen Vogue Fashion University (post coming soon, promise) and attending it, I realized that I was seriously slacking when it came to well, everything. I hatched this idea to completely relaunch this blog, which I wanted to happen on January 1st. However, the reality was (and is) I can't do it alone. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I know plenty of talented people, but none too willing to take on this endeavor with me just yet. A lot of people scoff at the thought of running a blog being hard work, but the truth is, whether you have 1 reader or a million, it is in fact a lot of hard work.

It comes down to consistency and that is what this blog has been lacking, consistent posts from me, the author and for that, I apologize. Every break I get from college my goal is to always generate enough posts so that I at least have something to post once a week. The problem with that is fashion is always changing. Sure, I could make 5 posts over break about trends I've seen while in Indianapolis, but the truth is, that might not be the same in Missouri and fads (like those god awful sneaker wedges that are still ever so slowly on their way out) wouldn't be represented fairly.

The good news is, I'm committed to this, I can actually say, this is a top priority especially as I begin to apply for internships. I want to put my best foot forward and let my style and love for clothes shine through.

With that said, I would like to apologize (yet again) for the changes that will inevitably occur over the next month (at least) with the layout, look and feel of this blog. Yes, it's about the clothes, but a new year calls for a switch up. I'm talking different fonts, better tags so you guys can track what I like most and personal posts, like this one, because of course there will be some of those.

So finally, I close with this: Thank you. Thanks for the emails, the comments, the shares and recommendations you all have made for me, words cannot express how much I appreciate it, I am truly thankful, you all are awesome!

I hope you all are having great starts to your new year and I can't wait to see what it brings for all of us! Should be great!

Much love,


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