Well, it's been a while hasn't it (so sorry!) It's Spring Break for Mizzou and so naturally I am home for a week, which hopefully means a post a day.
I wish I could say I had an awesome internship lined up this summer or something, but I'll be in Columbia, working and taking a class or two. Sad, but it must be done.
I really need to sit down and look at my schedule to see when I am available to just sit down and post for 30 minutes to an hour. I figured if I am not interning I could at least keep writing and posting polyvore sets. Styling is my ultimate goal, I've got to continue to perfect my eye for fashion.
Unfortunately, I haven't updated my personal wardrobe in some time (*tear*) but with the whole weight loss thing it's been a bit pointless to fall head over heels in love with a clothing item that simply won't fit the same in a month or two.
Anyway, peplum tops seems to be the thing right now and I love it! Prints are also making a come back, so when I saw this shirt, I thought best of both worlds, how perfect! I'm not sure how a peplum skirt, shirt or dress would fit on my body type, but I sure am willing to try one on! If I find one I like pictures will be posted!
What are some of your favorite trends you have been seeing so far?
Stay Beautiful <3